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Anruf für Infos: +31 6 42804258

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Rufen Sie mich gerne für ein Einführungsgespräch an!

(Clincal) Somatic Movement


Intuitiver / Somatic Tanz (Meditation)


Tiefenentspannung mit Massage (Einzelsitzungen)

Yoga (hatha/yin/entspannung)

Unterstützung, Assistenz & Sociaalpedagogik

Gruppen oder Einzelsitzungen

Tel: +31 6 42804258 (whatsapp/signal/telegram)


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Anouk (Abhaya) Tukker wil collect only data that comes from (potenitial) clients writing directly, per email, telephone messaging or via the contact from on the website.

(Potenital) clients will only be contacted as a response to messages they have sent themselves. You will not receive newsletters or other information unasked, nor per email, telephone or any other form of messaging. You will be asked  1 time for a writen consent to recieving any form of promotion concerning activities of Anouk (Abhaya) Tukker.

You have the right to be deleted from any lists, emails and email or any other contactlists or databases when requested in writing.

Location data is not collected.

If in any way this privacy policy will be changed any (potential) clients wil be notified.

In need of mindful movement coaching?
Feel free to call!

© 2024  Entspannungspedagogik by Abhaya, Poppenhausen

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